DAM New York 2024

DAM and the Digital Experience


The Merits of Metadata in YOUR Digital Strategy

October 23, 4:30 PM EDT

The path to good DAM design begins with the realization that digital assets need to be identified, organized, and made available for discovery. It’s metadata that delivers that.

However, how it’s done MUST evolve in line with changes in societal, cultural, and business norms and it MUST do so in a respectful and inclusive manner. 

Why does metadata matter?

It matters because it gives structure and meaning to data associated with all that we do in our business and personal transactions. It also records where your content came from and to whom it belongs, where your content is going, and how it may be used. 

Metadata is the foundation supporting your content. It gives structure and meaning to all your digital assets.

The panel, moderated by John Horodyski, Executive Director at Salt Flats, uses real life examples of metadata ‘in action’ to illustrate what constitute best practice:

  • How what the organization is seeking to achieve affects how it structures its metadata.
  • Integration and orchestration in a MarTech stack.
  • AI, Misinformation and Disinformation.
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA).
  • How best to understand and be mindful of the people, processes, and technologies that may influence the transformation and end-goals you desire.

What others say

This was my first Henry Stewart DAM Conference in my 15-year career of Digital Asset Management and I am so grateful to David Lipsey and the team for the opportunity to connect with other likeminded individuals and gain more knowledge and use the learnings to bring back to my team. Looking forward to what's to come!

Briana Rabatin
The Hershey Company

HS DAM events are one of the few opportunities to get together with other DAM professionals, speak to multiple vendors, learn, and make connections.

John Kaprielian
New York Power Authority

The HS DAM NYC conference was a great way to learn about new developments in the field, compare practices with colleagues, and make new DAM friends and connections. It was awesome!

Wendy Dorsett