DAM New York 2024

DAM and the Digital Experience


A Source of Truth that’s Efficient, Secure, and Searchable – Growing DAM to Enterprise Level at Universal Destinations & Experiences (UDX)

October 23, 3:10 PM EDT

Like most large organizations, UDX had accrued many digital assets. Millions in fact.

Assets were everywhere, and on every platform imaginable: hard drives, servers, memory cards, thumb drives, individual computers, and even CD’s and hard copies.

How was it possible to bring some form of workflow efficiency and security to fruition, and to increase searchability?

An account of the different perspectives of those involved in the integration of the DAM. How examining the management of day-to-day operations, working with end users and stakeholders, supporting the entire DAM ecosystem, and working as a cohesive team, pulling together created this ‘single source of truth.’

Was the integration that straightforward? Were there no challenges? Of course it wasn’t. Of course there were.

What others say

This was my first Henry Stewart DAM Conference in my 15-year career of Digital Asset Management and I am so grateful to David Lipsey and the team for the opportunity to connect with other likeminded individuals and gain more knowledge and use the learnings to bring back to my team. Looking forward to what's to come!

Briana Rabatin
The Hershey Company

HS DAM events are one of the few opportunities to get together with other DAM professionals, speak to multiple vendors, learn, and make connections.

John Kaprielian
New York Power Authority

The HS DAM NYC conference was a great way to learn about new developments in the field, compare practices with colleagues, and make new DAM friends and connections. It was awesome!

Wendy Dorsett