
The 3 Levers of Change: How DesignOps Professionals Operate Across the Change Continuum for Maximum Impact

1 March, 11:35 AM GMT

DesignOps is all about change, collaboration and impact. But depending on the size of the organisation and the problems they have to solve, design operators have to move across the ‘3 levers of change continuum’.  

Craig, Camilo and Laurent were all DesOps pros at Lloyds Banking Group - before DesOps was a thing. Now, they operate at different points of the continuum in their roles at Personio, Natwest and ClearScore.

In this session, they will talk about how to:

  • Use organisational design as the biggest lever of change 
  • Inspire and empower others to multiply the impact of DesOps initiatives
  • Navigate the role of embedded Design Programme Managers, affecting change at the lever point nearest to the end-user 

Packed with stories, frameworks and practical tips, this session will examine how design operators can change themselves to change their impact.

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HS Design Operations events provide me with the opportunity to connect with other colleagues in the industry and share learnings to help each other strive to be the most efficient and supportive teams we can be.

Antonia Duffin

HS Design Operations events are a new and unique format for meeting peers and exchanging about current developments in the industry - as well as a great way to grow the community. Enjoyed it a lot and looking forward to the next conference.

Florian Lindner
casavi GmbH

HS DesignOps events provided me with the opportunity to connect with similar minded professionals, who I can call friends! Sessions were engaging and provided me some valuable nuggets to take it forward and apply! 

Amit Tripathi