Part 1: Introduction to Design Thinking
Design thinking as used in technology development; how design thinking took us from web 1.0 to web 2.0 and beyond. The contents of the designer’s toolkit and how they relate to DAM are revealed. The basic concepts underlying effective implementation are explained.
Part 2: Workshopping It: Gathering Business Requirements
Design thinking is all about workshopping, that is, interactive sessions involving stakeholders - engaging their hearts and minds. It is about gathering business requirements. It demands commitment from end users (which can otherwise be very hard to obtain). This session explains the art of how you apply the designer’s tools to gather business requirements.
Part 3: Workshopping It: Designing Your Metadata
How to use design thinking workshops to define your metadata. Avoid the teeth-pulling feeling of getting your users to help you define your company’s custom metadata schema. Making the experience easier and fun for everyone. Tactics are described for rapid-fire collecting ideas, and then narrowing them down to just the fields you need.
Part 4: Workshopping It: Personas, Journey Maps and Beyond
The often overlooked user personas and journey maps - deeply valuable aspects of designing your DAM configurations. Knowing your end users and how they currently work gives you the insight you need to ask the right questions and get the actionable answers. You are then well positioned to identify the right features and functionality of your DAM. The DAM will be tamed. It will deliver exactly what your users need.