Keywords help people find visual content on and in search engines, photo libraries and in-house image databases. Successful Keywording is measured by the efficiency and efficacy of the user experience.
It is not just the speed of search that counts. Search success is delivered by variety, authenticity and accessibility. Neither is it just how content is stored. It is about how it is made, and by whom.
Because content forms part of your brand’s message the content you publish says a lot about your values.
Key principles of Keywording for Inclusion and Accessibility:
Fees for the 4 part course in US Dollars: $299. Click here to register
Fees for the 4 part course in Pound Sterling: £235+VAT. Click here to register
The way we search and the keywords we use reflect the way we think, our cultural values, belief systems and our relationship with technology. It is ever-changing, constantly developing. Social media, user-generated content and interest groups demand that brands demonstrate authentic levels of care in addressing the needs of diverse groups.
Inclusion and Accessibility now affect every stage of the content lifecycle, from the creative brief right through to the hashtags used on Twitter. Consumers are watching to see which organizations “walk the walk” not just “talk the talk”.
This course draws on detailed research and real-world case studies to provide guidance on content creation, management and distribution.
The key steps needed to improve your organization’s Inclusion and Accessibility practises in the presentation of content. The series is:
The primary focus is on the role imagery (rather than physical / environmental factors) plays in delivering Inclusion and Accessibility functionality.
For a full breakdown of each session please click here.
Session 1: The Changing Landscape of Content Creation
Session 2: Creative Content and Inclusion
Session 3: Creative Content and Accessibility
Session 4: Futureproof Keywording