Corporate OnlineEd 2025

Implications of the digital revolution: the changing landscape of L&D

An organization’s workforce, its talent, is its most valuable asset. Online Learning & Development should be at the heart of every company’s strategy to sustain and develop this asset. Achieving this goal frequently requires harnessing the full potential of the medium. Whether its training or self-motivated exploration, online delivery is a powerful partner.

At Corporate OnlineEd 2025, leading experts with frontline practical experience discuss trends, challenges, solutions, latest thinking and best practice in Online Corporate L&D.

Topics covered include:

  • Latest approaches to effective program design and learning strategies
  • Translating business needs into clear learning objectives
  • How to successfully market your learning programs internally
  • Making it count: demonstrating value in online L&D
  • The neuroscience of effective learning in a fast-paced environment
  • Delivering effective online L&D programs on a tight budget
  • Promoting successful adoption of new L&D technologies
  • The complementing roles of structured and self-directed learning
  • How to maintain an agile L&D approach in the face of changing business needs
  • Accessibility and inclusion in virtual L&D platforms
  • Novel approaches to monitoring and analysing learner engagement and performance
  • Advanced technologies and methodologies harnessing AR, VR and gamification

January 22, 2025

An Online One-Day Event