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On-Demand Content

On-demand online courses by the world's leading DAM experts

Session 1: Introduction to Asset Management in Video Production 

  • Understanding the importance of efficient asset management in the video production workflow.
  • Overview of key terms, concepts, and challenges in asset management.
  • Case studies highlighting the impact of effective asset management on production timelines and quality.


Session 2: Storage Solutions for Video Production Assets 

  • Exploring on-premise storage solutions and their benefits and limitations.
  • Understanding cloud-based storage options, considering scalability and accessibility.
  • Hybrid storage models for combining the strengths of on-premise and cloud storage.
  • Addressing challenges in asset management during the editing phase.


Session 3: Corporate Studio Fundamentals 

  • Key components and considerations for setting up a corporate studio for video production.
  • Integration of production asset management systems within a corporate studio environment.
  • Case studies showcasing successful implementations of asset management in corporate settings.
  • Collaboration and communication strategies between different departments within the studio.


Session 4: Production Asset Management System Implementation

  • In-depth exploration of production asset management systems and their features.
  • Practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises with popular asset management tools.
  • Customization and optimization of asset management workflows for different types of productions.
  • Troubleshooting common issues and challenges in implementing a production asset management system.
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